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Muddy Paws Spa

Best dog grooming shop in the Bay Area! Located in Oakley, CA.


Our goal was to build a tool for Muddy Paws Spa to utilize and save the team and customers time!

Our team understands that a website is much more than simply a place for customers to find out who you are. Our goal is to build an online tool that works as an asset for your business. The plan for Muddy Paws Spa was to create an online platform where customers can request dog grooming or bathing appointments, see recent pictures of dogs who have visited and hear from past customers about their experiences. We were very proud to work with Muddy Paws as they are the top dog grooming shop in the Brentwood/Oakley area and have amazing customer reviews!

Mobile Experience

We did the research and the majority of visitors to Muddy Paws website were from mobile devices. This meant our mobile experience had to be lightning fast and extremely easy to use! Have a look at the mobile screen shots below or visit the website today!

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